Sep 25, 2023
Accidentally discovered cleaning value of ketchup
Dear Heloise: My copper bottom stainless steel pot was tarnished and sitting in the sink bottom up. At the sam e time, I was also opening a restaurant packet of ketchup, when some spilled on the
Dear Heloise: My copper bottom stainless steel pot was tarnished and sitting in the sink bottom up. At the same time, I was also opening a restaurant packet of ketchup, when some spilled on the copper bottom of the pot. After a bit, I looked down and saw that the spot where the ketchup leaked on the pot was gleaming.
I was amazed. So instead of using the ketchup for food, I spread it on the pot and cleaned away. The pot became like new again with that freebie ketchup packet. Now, I don’t discard extra packets. I save them for my polishing miracles.
I guess it is the acid in the tomatoes, but who cares? It works. — Georgia Posvar in Texas
IS COFFEE BENEFICIAL?Dear Heloise: There have been many studies that all pretty much say the same thing when it comes to whether coffee is beneficial. In particular, there was a long-term study in the U.K. and another one in the U.S., both of which involved more than 10,000 people and tracked their health for more than 10 years. They found that coffee can be beneficial to your health. An Australian study said to limit yourself to 5 cups a day, since detrimental side effects outweigh the benefits at larger quantities.
A small fraction of the population has an immediate negative reaction to coffee. Clearly, these people should not drink it. But there is no evidence of any slow or hidden negative results.
In other words, if you don’t have an immediate bad reaction, it’s OK to drink coffee. It’s not going to sneak up on you and do harm. — Robert D. Kelly, via email
SINGLE-USE PLASTIC BAGSDear Heloise: If I may add to the conversation about the harm that plastic is doing to our oceans, the worst offender is single-use plastic bags. It takes some effort to resist accepting them in the grocery store. Often, a cashier will put one item in one bag. It’s easy, however, to get in the habit of taking your own cloth bags or even using paper bags. If everyone did this, it would make a huge positive impact on the environment. — Jean Celeste, Little Rock, Arkansas
BIRTHDAY CARD GIFTDear Heloise: I bought a birthday card for each of my children every year and wrote them a quick note stating their likes, friends, hobbies and a few antidotes. It took five minutes to do, just once a year. I put the cards in a shoebox in my closet. When each child turned 18, I presented them with a history of their childhood. It meant so very much to them. — Nancy, via email
Send hints or questions to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio TX 78279-5001 or email [email protected].
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Dear Heloise: My copper bottom stainless steel pot was tarnished and sitting in the sink bottom up. At the same time, I was also opening a restaurant packet of ketchup, when some spilled on the copper bottom of the pot. After a bit, I looked down and saw that the spot where the ketchup leaked on the pot was gleaming.I was amazed. So instead of using the ketchup for food, I spread it on the pot and cleaned away. The pot became like new again with that freebie ketchup packet. Now, Idon’t discard extra packets. I save them for my polishing miracles.I guess it is the acid in the tomatoes, but who cares? It works. — Georgia Posvarin TexasIS COFFEE BENEFICIAL?DearHeloise: There have been many studies that all pretty much say the same thing when it comes to whether coffee is beneficial. In particular, there was a long-term study in the U.K. and another one in the U.S., both of which involved more than10,000 people and tracked their health for more than 10 years. They found that coffee can be beneficial to your health. An Australian study said to limit yourself to 5 cups a day, since detrimental side effects outweigh the benefits at larger quantities.A small fraction of the population has an immediate negative reaction to coffee. Clearly, these people should not drink it. But there is no evidence of any slow or hidden negative results.In other words, if you don’t have an immediate bad reaction, it’s OK to drink coffee. It’s not going to sneak up on you and do harm. — Robert D. Kelly, via emailSINGLE-USE PLASTIC BAGSDear Heloise: If I may add to the conversation about the harm that plastic is doing to our oceans, the worst offender is single-use plastic bags. It takes some effort to resist accepting them in the grocery store. Often, a cashier will put one item in one bag. It’s easy, however, to get in the habit of taking your own cloth bags or even using paper bags. If everyone did this, it would make a huge positive impact on the environment. — Jean Celeste, Little Rock, ArkansasBIRTHDAY CARD GIFTDear Heloise: I bought abirthday card for each of my children every year and wrote them a quick note stating their likes, friends, hobbies and a few antidotes. It took five minutes to do, just once a year. I put the cards in a shoebox in my closet. When each child turned 18, I presented them with a history of their childhood. It meant so very much to them. — Nancy, via emailKeep it Clean.PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK.Don't Threaten.Be Truthful.Be Nice.Be Proactive.Share with Us.Terms of Use.